Halfway through writing
book two of BEYOND the STRANDLINE,
still working on the title, I realized how important details are in getting the
story right.
In book two, I talk
about the way Florida pioneers kept their yards free of grass and weeds. Cabins
were surrounded by sand and dirt. There were a couple of reasons for this: one,
to provide a natural firebreak around their wooden cabins, barns, and sheds,
and two, so that it would be easier to spot the poisonous snakes that inhabit
the semi-tropical state.
lawns are a modern day luxury. Think about it.
In a recent blog post,
I talked about cast iron pots and how important the right cookware for open
flames and high heat would be without the easy predictability and consistency
of electric heat.
made me do a bit of research on the subject: details.
I learned.
iron needs to be seasoned. Rub it lightly with oil and heat in the oven until
it smokes lightly. A detail I had not known before about cast iron is that storing
a kettle or Dutch oven with the lid closed tight can make the oil go rancid and
smell. I checked my pots and true. To fix it, wash, oil, and re-season. Note: Some say soap is okay. Some say
make sure that you store the pots with the lids slightly askew so that air can
stuff our grandmothers knew and quit telling us when we starting buying Teflon
and Tupperware.
(Good and Seasoned) Zern
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