Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Try it out. Mindy’s advice to try out long-term food storage items is perfect. Try it out in smaller sizes before you invest.

Emergency food storage has come a long, long way since the days we were filling our shelves with food we canned ourselves and put in glass jars, not that we shouldn’t continue to perfect our skills in this area. I’m just saying that we’ve come a long way, baby, when it comes to emergency food supplies.

They’re popular. They’re varied. And more companies selling more emergency food means more competition, means more good deals. Let’s hear it for free enterprise.

Number ten cans, jar canning, buckets, pails, kits, assortments, MRE’s, and now smaller, more versatile fourteen-ounce size cans of dehydrated and freeze-dried foods.

Try it out.

Some dehydrated/freeze-dried foods, once opened, need to be used up and quickly and some sit quite nicely on the shelf for a while.

The smaller can sizes are perfect for experimenting without wasting a lot of money, and if you don’t get to them for a while . . . well . . . it’s long-term storage; you’re still good to go.

I rotate and use my long-term storage a lot more in my everyday cooking these days, finding that it’s more economical, in that I don’t waste food.

Tomato powders get gross fast and tomato pieces or chunks turn dark fairly quickly, but I’ve had excellent luck with green beans, peas, corn, mushrooms, and other vegetables, and I love dehydrated mashed potatoes.

What works for you and yours? 

Next time:  How do you know when it’s too old?

Linda (Can Do) Zern




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