Wednesday, November 30, 2016


My war was cold. I grew up waiting for the cold war to heat up. It never did. There were some tense moments when Castro invited the Russians to his island with their atomic bombs, and President Kennedy said, “Go home.” They went.

In the meantime, I prepared for the cold war to go hot by hiding under my desk at school and every Saturday watching movies filled with mutants, fallout, and radiated wastelands. Those movies gave my bad dreams and ignited my imagination. 

My generation invented dystopian, futuristic, end-of-times storytelling. Godzilla wasn’t just a big lizard; he was also a metaphor for rampaging, worldwide destruction. Not to mention, he made a few bucks in the movies.

I grew up thinking about fallout shelters and mutant monsters.

And now I write “Prepper” fiction, among other genres. It’s a sub genre of fiction falling under science fiction but without the ray guns. It’s a category of action adventure with a futuristic theme but without the space aliens. It’s a kind of speculative writing but without the zombies. Humans are the zombies.

Prepper fiction is a realistic, what-if, survival story. Pat Frank’s “Alas Babylon” written in the 1950’s, dealing with the aftermath of a nuclear war and set in Florida was a national best seller and is a classic example of the genre. Doomsday possibilities include: solar flares, EMP attacks, financial collapse, nuclear warfare, invasion, pandemic, ecological disasters, and the list goes on . . . 

Prepper fiction is an exercise in imagination.

Prepper fiction can be frightening.

Prepper fiction examines the collapse and re-formation of societal constructs.

Prepper fiction deals with preparations for “doomsday” scenarios or the lack thereof . . .

I’ve had people say to me that my books gave them bad dreams. At first, I was horrified and thought, “Oh no. What have I done?” But then, on future examination, I thought, after rubbing my hands together in glee, “Oh my! What have I done?!!”

Prepper fiction is not your momma’s cotton candy romance, although romance in a doomsday setting can be much more intense and realistic than an average love story. Sex and pregnancy become a life and death theme without modern medicine.

In a prepper novel, life becomes an exercise in imagination filled with “what if” questions. 

What if there’s no electric? What if I can’t refrigerate my food? What if I can’t buy gas? What if there’s no money? 

How would I find clean, drinking water? How do I stay clean? Preserve food? Stitch a wound? Set a bone? Pickle a cucumber? Keep bugs off? Have safe sex? Stay human and hopeful?

Prepper fiction is action/adventure set in a realistic apocalyptic collapse of civilization that some people will be prepared for but most will not.

It can be scary, intense, and upsetting. It can also get readers to think . . . and maybe, just maybe . . . prepare.

Linda (Bunker Babe) Zern 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


In the Standline series (Book #1 - Beyond the Strandline and Book #2 - Following the Strandline [Coming 2016]) solar flares have collapsed the aging and unprotected electrical grid, it being scientifically the most likely grid collapse scenario.

However, there are other vulnerabilities that put the modern world at risk . . .

Read more online:  EMP ATTACK

Monday, February 8, 2016


Churches are some of the best free resources when it comes to preparedness fairs and expertise in the area of getting ready for "whatever" . . . This is photo of the demonstrations and displays from a Raleigh Durham Stake, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints preparedness evening. Contact your local mormon church to find resources and individuals in your area who know how and what to prepare. Being prepared is a fabulous way to be 'of service' to others.  

Friday, January 22, 2016


Here comes the storm. At my age, I’m not overly surprised that there are storms in winter, hurricanes in summer, power outages, power surges, and general rough patches in life.

As the mother of a combat soldier in the United States of American army, I’ve also seen what can happen when man-made disasters crash down on the world. My son spent six years in combat in some of the most challenging and dangerous areas of the world. He and his fellow soldiers learned how to survive—literally.

Out of all the stuff we sent to Forward Operating Bases, he was happy to let us know that one of the most versatile, useful things we could and did send to him were wet wipes, wet wipes without perfume.

They cleaned the grit off their weapons, vehicles, equipment, wounds, and themselves.  He said that they used wet wipes for everything, on everything. Send more.

We did.

It’s my storm advice.  Stock up on wet wipes. Being clean has psychological benefits, not to be underestimated. Being clean keeps you healthy. And when you’ve got your health . . . let the storms rage. 

Wet wipes have a shelf life. They dry out. And I’ve had them go “bad.”  So long term storage becomes a question. If you dry packed them in a number ten can, would they last longer? Most likely. It would be interesting to check that out.